Sunday, August 1, 2010

Week end Update

I'm running on 4/5 hours of sleep in the last 27 hours so pardon me if this isn't the most elequent of updates.  Also I am sitting in the most dreaded of airports- Charles de Gualle in Paris.  Nothing will bring you awake like realizing the airplane is driving over Parisian freeways on these over passes.  Only in France. 

So why am I spinning my wheels in Paris- I'm headed back to Africa after a 3 1/2 week vacation in America.  My time in America was enlightening, especially the major panic attack I had over coming back to Mali.  To say I'm not excited about it is the understatement of the year as I eagerly count down my time remaining. 

I think another really telling thing is all my family and friends pointed out this past month how most of the stories I choose to tell about Africa were about Guinea and not Mali.  I talked about spending time with people in Guinea more fondly than those in my village in Mali and I haven't seen the people in Guinea in over 9 months.

So to say that the evac and my new placement has left a bitter taste in my mouth is a pretty fair assessment.  I feel like with the current situation I am not going to achieve the goals I have set for myself here.  Even if I stayed longer (never happening) I feel like the damage is done so I might as well move on. 

Not that I've completely checked out.  I have my adult english class I teach, a weekly radio show (and now I'm armed with new music), I'm starting an English club with junior high kids over the summer, helping women's groups organize into legally recognized co-ops, and possibly helping a group of milk producers refine and improve there product.  Of course I also read 10 books a month and take afternoon naps frequently so . . . . its not like I'm worked to the bone.

If anyone out there know of any new and exciting job opportunities for the future let me know.  I'm ready to move on- where to I have no idea.  Maybe I'm just doomed to a life of bouncing around between places and jobs but I'd like to think I'd find something that sticks someday.

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