Sunday, August 1, 2010


One of my favorite things about my site in Mali is there is a protestant church.  I go sometimes when I'm not being lazy and sleeping in.  It's kinda uplifting- lots of singing and clapping and I can't understand a word of it except for "Jesus ye baarake" (Jesus worked . . .alot- I figured that one out). 
So I got really excited for Easter this year.  I got to celebrate a holiday I knew here with people in my village and get a part to share traditions.  For some reason I thought we'd have a bigger group, but if anything our already tiny congregation was smaller.  Still we had a good service.  The night before I had colored eggs with crayon and made up little packets of candy.  So after I sent the kids  outside and hid everything in our little one room church, shooing them away from peeking, we got ready to hunt eggs.  After a failed attempt at explaining the game we finally got on the same page and the kids started looking for eggs and candy.  I'm excited to say they were happier over the eggs than the candy.
However what everyone really wanted was to have ther picture taken.  These still have to get printed and handed out.  At least once a week someone is asking about their photos.
So anyway I made deviled eggs and ate ric and sauce at the preacher's house.  I was kinda bummed because I thought it was going to be a bigger dinner- with lots of people instead of a small family thing.  Plus I made 30 eggs so I was planning on having more people eat them.  I was also hoping to get pork.

Despite the fact things didn't go how i'd imagined I had a good Easter.  Although I won't lie, next year I hope to get a basket of Cadberry eggs, a nice ham, mom's eggs and Desert!!!

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