Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sunday Stroll or Paestum

It's Sunday. I've spent a full week on the farm and I could use a break. It's been decided I need to visit Paestum, ruins of an ancient Greek city that are only about 10k away. My hosts have a soft spot for this little touristy town, there is a giant wedding photo of them posing at the big temple. Having spent the last two weeks running around Tunisia looking at the ruins of ancient Roman cities I'm not super excited but I figure it will be a nice change of scenery from the farm.
Anna volunteers to go with me and I figure it will be nice to walk around and try to carry on a conversation in my busted Italian. Turns out she was only going as far as dropping me off. Talk about feeling like I was back in junior high, getting dropped off at the mall with instructions to be back at this door in an hour. Still it was nice, I got out and was able to get some gelato, they even gave me a heart shaped wafer cookie. Oh and of course I got to see some cool Greek temples. I've actually seen so many ruins that I've now gotten the knack of picking out building functions based on their design.
Here are some photos of Pasteum:

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