Sunday, October 3, 2010

50 Years of Independance!!!!!

The main streets on Bamako are lighting up in yellow, red, and green (and for some reason blue) blinking lights.  Flags are waving everywhere.  Mali was gearing up to mark their 50th Anniversity of Independance.  My village had much more modest preparations:  they planted 50 trees.  Our celebration was a lot more modest as well, especially after the village accountant confirmed there was no budget for festivities the day before the fete. 

Still we managed to have a good time with drumming, singing, dancing and of course soccer.  Instead of trying to describe it all to you I'd rather just show you.

This lady got down! She pulled me out to dance a little later.

Sorry I can't figure out how to flip the image but I think you can get the picture.

I love this picture

You can see the band waiting in the back

Do you think the duck wants to play the Djembe?

The Captain giving a speech on the 50th!

I love this picture too!!!

Selling food for the festivities

The Three Mayors


1 comment:

西雅图陈彤 said...

greetings from america! love your blog, please visit me at