Friday, December 10, 2010

Two Years Ago

When I started this blog two years ago “Working without a Net” wasn’t exactly a spot on. Sure I was moving to the middle of Africa but I had the Peace Corps to back me up. Even if sometimes the only means of communication were via a note on a bush taxi. Still, there was someone there to watch out for me if something happened; I wasn’t totally responsible for everything.

Now I am.

Two years, two countries, an evacuation, three health centers, baby weighing, nutrition talks, hand washing demonstrations, English lessons, French classes, one dairy production facility and more vaccination campaigns than I can count and I’m moving on. Cutting the ties that bound together my safety net on December 10th 2010. I’ll admit it, I’m nervous about the next few months. Every time I get on a plane, train, or boat to take the next step in my journey I get anxious. Showing up someplace with just a phone number and maybe an address to figure out where I’ll be staying is very daunting, especially when I don’t speak the main language. Even though it’s stressful and crazy, I don’t regret my choice to go off on my own, I’m finally glad that I get my chance to work without a net.

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