Monday, September 20, 2010

Back from America

I woke up underneath my umbrella, hugging a box of cereal.

I really wish the story behind it was much more interesting. Being back in my village after my American vacation has been good. Of course its rainy season (and Ramadan) so I spend most of my free time holed up in my hut with a book trying to stay dry. Good deal until the rain gets heavy and then it falls on my bed- hence the umbrella. The box of cereal was dinner and I couldn’t let it get wet so I put it under my mosquito net with me away from the rain and bugs. Welcome back to Africa!

I don’t think I really missed my village but I do miss having a kind of peaceful lifestyle. (I know waking up to the rain on your face isn’t conducive to a peaceful lifestyle nor are the children who follow me shouting for money). It’s the pace of life here that is peaceful and the fact that people put more emphasis on friendships and spending time with one another than we generally do makes life here worth it. Still going back home has made me realize that I miss it and I realize it’s getting time for me to move on. So I guess what I am mostly feeling is the nostalgia you get when you know the end of something is nigh. I’m in the final countdown, the home stretch, and rather than be totally bitter- fucking kids yelling toubab- I’m trying to focus on the good stuff. I’m soaking up the time I have and listening to the stories my friends tell and learning a few more things before I go. I don’t think I’m ready for America full time yet but I’m ready to move on.

Though I will miss some of the crazy, weird moments, like waking up with a box of cereal all curled up under my umbrella.

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