Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Girls Conference 7/26-7/31

This July we had our annual Girls conference in the Fouta region. I choose 2 girls from my town to attend. Marliatou, a really nice girl in the 10th grade who just took the entrance exam for the high school. Then Oumou Hawa, the doctors daughter, she is really animated and if she focuses she has so much potential. Because my pvc neighbor was under the weather I also took her 2 girls. Hawa the mayors daughter and Idiatou. Both are genuinely nice girls.
The conference covered topics such as: the importance of education, stds/hiv, excision, careers for women here, how to give a presentation and public speaking. the girls all seemed to have a really good time and got into session. it was a little sad to see the disparity between the girls, like my 4, from the village and those from bigger cities. The girls from the cities have been exposed to alot of these topics before and have had the benefit of really well run schools. The village girls have never been to anything like this and hung back. I really hope this experience gives them confidence and inspires them to succeed.
Marli wants be a pilot and Oumou Hawa wants to be a Dr.
My favorite part was on the last night. After dinner we pcvs are listening to music and packing up when we hear singing and clapping. we discover the girls in a dancing circle and the festivities continue til the light sgo out.
The next morning the girls get up late and the mood is somber. As we load up into cars they are crying, leaving their new friends and going home.

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