Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Old Lady

So I bike 9 k to our health post at horre fello (translation head of the mountain). I'm doing my malaria survey because July will be malaria palooza in my town. At the last house we stop at there is a bent over old lady. She was tall once but the years had made her stooped. When she straightened her head wrap moved and it became obvious she was just as wrinkled from the waist up as she was in the face. I don't know what she said aside from welcoming me. The Dr and I go back to the health post and she follows shortly after. I'm talking to women in the waiting room, the dr is doctoring and she shows up running amuck and being i guess really funny if you speak pular. When the doctor comes out he translates- she wants to give me 5000 francs for the price of kola because i stopped at her house and she had nothing for me. She is an adorable old lady and i cant take her money so i dig out my wallet and take out a 5000 note of my own. I offer it to her for her hospitality. We trade bills and it worked out. I adore old people.

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