Sunday, March 21, 2010

Confessions of a Foodie

People have very personal relationships with their food.  Some don't eat meat or dairy or both.  For others Carbs are the devil.  Some shy away from foods with certain textures, smells, or even colors.  Some will eat anything . . . at least once.  I never thought of myself as having any weird food hangups or obsessions- aside from cheesecake and ice cream but thats normal right?  Of course this was before Africa.

Let me explain:
You arrive in Africa and there are no McDonalds, no grocery stores like Kroger and people just eat rice and sauce.  There is no such thing as Mexican night or calling Dominos.  Suddenly a fried spam sandwich doesnt sound so bad and bland imitation oreos with almost cold coke is delightful.  Anything is better than dried fish in sauce. 

Once I was on my own I planned to cook for myself but my neighbor looked so sad and rejected when I turned down her offers of food that I ate with her family.  So I was still a twice a day rice and sauce girl but the fish was replaced by beef so it was an improvement.  Plus Aminata is a damn fine cook. 

Now fast forward to life in Mali.

I live alone and dont know any of my neighbors.  I have a host family but they live far away so I only go for lunch and I'm on my own for dinner.  Good ole Home cooking. 

Home for me consists of two huts.  One is my bedroom, the other is my cooking/junk hut.  So my kitchen is a table with a three burner stove and a metal trunk full of food.  Martha Steward eat your heart out.  Ok so I'm not working with much but it works.  Somedays I live in fear a lizard living in my roof will cause some of the thatch to come crashing down into my dinner.  It happens. Thankfully not often.

Even with my lack of cooking ammineties it turns out I love to cook.  Africa has become a challenge in a new way.  I'm forced to eat vegetables I would have never bought in the states- cabbage, eggplants and find ways to cook them instead of the plain old spagetti.  I've also been trying new spices and seasonings.  Its always awesome to try some new combination and actually enjoy eating it. So can you say I'm obsessed with food. Yeah thats fair.  I just can't wait to get back into a modern kitchen and have access to more spice and foods!!! 

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