Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mud Stoves

I don’t know if you can tell but I am dirty. No I’m not talking about my mouth or sense of humor. I’m talking about head to toe covered in a disgusting mud mixture all in the name of something meaningful and relevant to do.

You know it’s bad when the small children who daily cake on the dirt and grime like its their job are cleaner than I am.

So what am I doing to look like a mud person from Woodstock?

This . . .

The Mud Stove (please not the people in the photo didn’t help but sent their kids to work- that’s what kids are for anyway).

This is my new project, not only do these babies cut down on wood use they also cut down on cooking time and smoke (which cause respiratory problems). Plus they are free and easy to make- which is the best part for me.

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