Friday, February 6, 2009

Corinna & I after swearing in

Bintu, Grancher, Me & Grandma

Saran & Scott answering the age old question of how much is too much and what is it worse.

Brushing our teeth with sticks!!

Traditional Medicine healers at Dubreka.

Obama billboard

View of main river in Forecariah

Ashley, Me, Juliann & Joe crammed into the back of a Renault

Me and My new haircut on New Years morning

Health painting a mural

Today I finally swore in as a Peace Corps Volunteer! I got to wear my new and only complet for the occassion and it only took my tailor 4 tries to get the top right. I also have 2 new dresses: one was a present from my family and the second I found in the free box at the conakry house (the free box is clothes nobody wants anymore). I am really excited to buy all the things for my new house and get settled in. I am also very nervous about moving in. I have no idea what my village expects from me as a 5th generation volunteer in my town. I have 3 months to figure it out. Our job for 3 months is just to learn the language, people, area and integrate into village life. I think I can do that. I just know I'll have alot of free time. In training there was always something to do or somewhere to go and now its like ok take your time. Big transition.

Lets see what is new? I cut my hair off, helped paint a mural on the youth center, monitored the growth of a malnourished kid who has now grown 2 kilograms in under 2 months. I have read 4 books since being in country.
How to make an American Quilt by Whitney Otto- Good read and interesting story telling however I think I like the movie best.

The Robber Bride by Robin McKinley as always her books are amazing I didn't want to put it down.
Dune by Frank Hurbert a reread but still very good and just what I needed

Harry Potter 1 en francais- great way to learn french

Not much more to share but hopefully I'll be able to update every month when I go into my regional capital and I'll have more stories.

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